Yeast extract innovation fuels advances in fermentation-oriented product lines

Getting new and improved products to market, particularly in the competitive consumer health and nutrition space, can mean the difference between robust growth and stagnation for a manufacturer. That’s why an understanding of how a dependable, widely varied line of yeast extracts and peptones for fermented items is essential to efficiency, productivity and increased revenue.
Fermented products continue to expand within such well-known areas as baked goods, where gluten- and dairy-free options are in demand. They also are on the rise in beverage production (with an ever-expanding roster of craft beers alone), the burgeoning consumer-probiotics market, as well as in everything from detergents and cleansers to animal feed, personal care and dietary supplements.
At the same time, many manufacturers think of yeast extracts and peptones as a “black box” whose value is unquestioned, but whose proper deployment remains a mystery. Even so, they have specific needs when it comes to these vital components of their products. Those include:
- Tangible and documented nutritional benefits
- Reduced fermentation cycle times to enhance facility volume and efficiency
- Rapid testing for faster time from product development to market
- Consistent, verifiable ingredients
- Sourcing flexibility from provider to enable shorter lead times
- The ability to meet and exceed dynamic and changing global regulatory requirements
- Products that are gluten-, dairy-, soy- and GMO-free
To check those items off the list, manufacturers should work with a partner who can assist with the process of optimizing their recipes for live cultures used in probiotics or dairy products, or fermented ingredients such as enzymes, organic acid, amino acids, vitamins, or beer, wine and spirits. Creating value alongside supporting innovation is the goal.
Sensient’s complex microbial strain portfolio gives us the ability to support those customized, actionable solutions to any product or ingredient mix. Our expert team can work with you in your facility, as well as through our state-of-the-art innovation center, on the exact solution for your product-manufacturing needs now, as well as in the future.