Expert Q&A with Field Market Development Manager, Dawn Krzyzanowski

Field Market Development Manager, Dawn Krzyzanowski has always had a fond interest with animals. In her interview below, she shares a glimpse into how she has channeled her passions into her current role in the Animal Nutrition market.
In simple terms, how would you describe to the “everyday person” what your role is?
My role is to serve the animal nutrition industry by providing healthy, clean ingredients to improve their health and welfare.
What is your favorite thing about your role?
No day is the same. One day I am working with a customer on regulatory and registration needs and the next I am working with a customer to help create a novelty feed ingredient and the next I am working with R&D on a micro-organism to improve gut health.
What does your day-to-day look like?
There is no typical work day. My role varies greatly from assisting customers with their regulatory and compliance need to recommending products to fit a specific need in their formulation.
What sparked your initial interest in animals, and how has that passion translated into your dedication to animal nutrition?
I am an avid animal lover. I grew up in a home with multiple pets and that continued into my adult years. Animals deserve to eat healthy, nutritious food to have an improved quality of life.
What is something that people likely don’t know and understand about the importance of animal nutrition?
The food we feed animals is more heavily regulated than the food we eat ourselves. Feeding agricultural animals clean, healthy food improves the quality of the food we see on our dinner table.
What are the current trends in animal nutrition that you find most exciting or promising for the industry? There is a symbiotic relationship between gut health and overall immune health in all living beings. Probiotics, often referred to as Direct Fed Microbials, have been in the market for several years and we are now seeing more and more importance being put on prebiotics and postbiotics to complete the gut health cycle.
What are the most common challenges you help your customers with? How do you stay updated on the latest developments and research in animal nutrition to ensure you provide the best guidance to your customers?
Finding quality U.S. sourced ingredients can be a challenge for many. Finding a solution from one of our U.S. facilities that fits their needs and that is good for the animals is a rewarding experience. I have been in the industry for almost 17 years and I have seen many changes so it is important to always keep learning through training seminars and published reports.
What advice do you often find yourself giving to customers who are looking to optimize their animal nutrition?
While is it important to continue with what we know that works, it is equally as important to be open to trying new protein and vitamin sources, like new yeast products. Sometimes simple modifications to a diet can provide great improvements in health.